Commercial Pilot Licence (A) with Instrument Rating - CPL/IR with Frozen ATPL
Commercial Pilot Licence permits you to act as a Pilot-In-Command (PIC) of a single-crew aircraft or as a co-pilot of a multi-crew aircraft that is Malaysian-registered, and it applies to the aircraft types specified in the licence.
This licence is designed for individuals aspiring to engage in commercial air transport. If you hold a CPL/IR with Frozen ATPL, you are authorized to fly for compensation or hire, making it the ideal choice if you intend to pursue a career in aviation.
Private Pilot Licence
- PPL (A)
Private Pilot Licence authorizes you to operate as a Pilot-In-Command (PIC) or co-pilot of a Malaysian-registered aircraft within the aircraft class or types specified in your licence. However, it does not permit you to engage in commercial flights for pay or hire.
These courses are open to anyone interested in learning how to fly an airplane for recreational or hobby purposes.
Abridge Course / Recourse
The requirement of CAAM states that a holder of a foreign pilot licence will be required to undergo an abridged course before obtaining a Malaysian licence​.
Student Pilots who have completed their papers & have to do just flying or, have done some flying and have to papers, we at BATS do offer classes in which then exams can be taken at our facilities.
Flight Instructor Course (A)
Flight Instructor Course is for those who yearn to train future pilots to pursue the career path of their dreams as either a commercial or general aviation pilot.
This career programme is designed to train pilots to become qualified Flight Instructors. Flight Instructor Course is your opportunity to stand out and teach young future pilots to fly. Flight Instructor Course offers an extraordinary feeling of achievement.
Additional Course
Assistant Flight Instructor (AFI)
Train the Trainer (TTT)
Proficiency / Recurrent Training (A)
exams (e-examination)
BATS Aviation has been approved by CAAM as a Certified Exam Centre. BATS has met all the requirements set forth, and our facilities have been recognized by CAAM as above-average standards. We are authorized to conduct PPL examination papers, CAAM examination papers, and CPL/ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations.
Financial Assistance
BATS Aviation offers various financial assistance such as;
AFFIN Tawarruq ​​​Education Financing-i
Maybank Personal Loan
EPF Withdrawal ( Account II )
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